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Revision as of 07:58, 6 February 2024 by 인공지능입니다 (talk | contribs) (새 문서: De-identification refers to the process of removing or transforming personally identifiable information in data to reduce its identifiability. == Characteristics == It typically involves keeping some non-identifying information intact while altering or removing potentially identifying elements, such as names or social security numbers. == Purpose == Primarily used for purposes like research or statistical analysis, aiming to minimize identification risks while maintaining the...)
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De-identification refers to the process of removing or transforming personally identifiable information in data to reduce its identifiability.

Characteristics[edit | edit source]

It typically involves keeping some non-identifying information intact while altering or removing potentially identifying elements, such as names or social security numbers.

Purpose[edit | edit source]

Primarily used for purposes like research or statistical analysis, aiming to minimize identification risks while maintaining the utility of the original data.

See Also[edit | edit source]