Editing 컴퓨터시스템응용기술사 132회
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Revision as of 17:01, 7 February 2024 by Yoropico (talk | contribs) (새 문서: *'''상위 문서: 컴퓨터시스템응용기술사 기출 문제''' ==교시== *1. 몬테 카를로 방법(Monte Carlo Method) *2. NaaS(Network as a Service) *3. 오토인코더(Autoencoder) *4. 전이학습(Transfer Learning) *5. ATAM(Architecture Trade-off Analysis Method)과 CBAM(Cost Benefit Analysis Method) *6. PNM(Processing Near Memory) *7. NoSQL의 CAP(Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance) *8. RPA(Robotic Process Automation) *9. 알고리즘의 시간복...)
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